The daily work of EVOSULT is characterized by supporting companies in project management. From basic individual services to complete project management from start to finish, we offer any kind of assistance. However, to understand what exactly we can do for our customers and how this looks like in everyday life, the competence base is often missing. Therefore we want to give our readers an understanding of our many years of know-how and show them what good project management is all about and why it often makes sense to seek help from external professionals. In addition, our articles should also provide food for thought and explain why so many projects falter nowadays, because all too often the problems are homemade. Identifying and solving them is our daily bread. In any case, we would like to open up new perspectives with our articles and show that there is a suitable solution for every problem in project management.
Why agile teams are more successful in virtual collaboration
Agile virtual teamwork for outstanding results. Optimise your work processes and equip yourself for the working world of the future. More
Warum agile Teams in der virtuellen Zusammenarbeit erfolgreicher sind
Agile virtuelle Teamarbeit für herausragende Ergebnisse. Optimieren Sie Ihre Arbeitsprozesse und rüsten Sie sich für die Arbeitswelt der Zukunft. More
Product owner in international projects: how to master the „remote“ challenge
Successful as a product owner in international remote projects – how to realize your projects unerringly even in decentrally organized teams. More
Product Owner in internationalen Projekten: so meistern Sie die Herausforderung „Remote“
Erfolgreich als Product Owner in internationalen Remote-Projekten – wie Sie auch in dezentral organisierten Teams Ihre Projekte zielsicher umsetzen. More
How to stay on top: The most important success factors for IT change management executives
Mentor, pacesetter, innovator – the role requirements for leaders in IT change management are diverse. Learn how to become a successful leader. More
So bleiben Sie an der Spitze: Die wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren für Führungskräfte im IT-Veränderungsmanagement
Mentor, Taktgeber oder Innovator – die Rollenanforderungen an Führungskräfte im IT-Veränderungsmanagement sind vielfältig. Erfahren Sie hier, wie Sie als Führungskraft erfolgreich bleiben. More